Learn how to make a Beautiful EVA Basket Quickly and Easily with this Step-by-Step Tutorial!


Hi guys! Today I want to share with you a super practical tutorial for making a EVA basket. It's a fun and easy-to-follow project, perfect for anyone who loves crafts. Let's go!

We will need some simple materials: EVA, scissors, hot glue, and some decorative items like satin ribbons and glitter. Follow the step by step and see how simple it is to create your own basket.

How to Make an EVA Basket for Unique Souvenirs

Necessary Materials

  • EVA strips
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue
  • Satin ribbon (optional)
  • EVA with glitter (optional)
  • Additional decorations (flowers, bows, etc.)

Step by step

Preparation of EVA Strips

Cutting the Strips:

  • Cut a strip of EVA foam about 3.5 cm wide.
  • Mark 1 cm intervals along the strip.

Section Marking:

  • Make small marks at the ends to divide the strip into small 1 cm sections.

Basket Assembly

Collage of the comic strips:

  • Apply hot glue to the bottom of the strips.
  • Glue them one by one, forming a circle.

Union of the Ends:

  • Leave the last strip unglued.
  • Use this strip to join the ends of the basket, forming a perfect circle.

Finishing and Decoration

EVA Decoration with Glitter:

  • Cut a strip of EVA with glitter.
  • Glue around the edge of the basket to give it a nice finish.

Adding Ribbons and Bows:

  • Decorate with satin ribbons and biscuit flowers.
  • Use your creativity to personalize your basket.

Useful Tips

  • Make small bows or flowers with the leftovers.

Variety of Colors:

  • Experiment with different color combinations of EVA to create unique baskets.
  • Combine contrasting colors for a more vibrant look.


  • Add the person's name or a specific theme for special occasions.
  • Use stickers or paint to further customize.

Use of Leftovers:

  • Use leftover EVA foam for small details and additional decorations.

08 Ideas for making EVA Baskets

EVA is an affordable, versatile and easy-to-work material. Perfect for creating unique and personalized souvenirs, it allows you to unleash your imagination and create designs that delight everyone.

1 – Braided EVA basket: If you want to achieve a cool and different look, then choose the woven EVA basket models. Your basket will look very similar to a real one, so our tip here is to woven the EVA before starting to produce your basket.

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Image: (taken from Google)

2 – Simple EVA basket with cardboard: When it comes to making a basket, choosing models made with cardboard or just EVA foam are the simplest models to make. Two colors of EVA foam are usually used here, and the most popular shapes are round or square.  

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Image: (taken from Google)

3 – Souvenir with EVA: EVA baskets can be used perfectly to decorate celebrations or birthday parties. With a personalized tone, the party decoration can have perfect colors and style.

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Image: (taken from Google)

4 – EVA basket for baby shower: You can also use EVA baskets for baby showers. This is a unique and important moment in the parents' lives, so the decorations must be perfect. Use EVA baskets in the theme colors, add stones, pearls or even toys and everything will be perfect.

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Image: (taken from Google)

5 – EVA basket for wedding: If you are getting married, a useful tip for producing a good basket is to collect the money from the tie, or include it in the table of the guests as decoration with sweets.

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Image: (taken from Google)

6 – EVA basket with CD: If you choose round baskets, the CD can be the base for each of them, make sure to cover both bases perfectly with EVA.

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Image: (taken from Google)

7 – EVA heart basket: If you don't have the template yet, you can easily get one on Google, heart-shaped EVA baskets are perfect for Valentine's Day gifts, for example.

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Image: (taken from Google)

8 – Basket with PET bottle: A plastic bottle can also be the base of your basket. In other words, the bottom of a bottle will provide a perfect finish, not to mention that it is much more resistant.

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Image: (taken from Google)


EVA baskets open up a world of possibilities for those who love crafts. They are an expressive and creative way to personalize gifts and decorate spaces. With these 8 ideas, I hope I have inspired you to create and transform.

Curiosity: Did you know that EVA can be recycled and transformed into new products? A sustainable and conscious approach for our planet!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I use another type of glue besides hot glue?

Yes, you can use craft glue, but hot glue is faster and safer for this type of project.

2. What is the ideal size for the basket?

The size can vary depending on your needs. The 3.5 cm strip is a good starting point, but you can adjust as desired.

3. How to make the basket handles?

Cut a strip of EVA foam and glue it to the inside sides of the basket. You can decorate it with ribbon or glitter to add extra charm.

4. Can I wash the EVA basket?

It is recommended to only clean with a damp cloth to avoid damaging the glues and decorations.

5. How long does it take to make a basket?

On average, it takes about 30 to 45 minutes to complete the entire project, depending on the level of detail you add.

6. Where can I find the materials?

Materials can be found at craft or stationery stores. Some specific items can be purchased online.

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