Recipes - Page 3

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Chickpea Salad with Olive Oil and Tomatoes: Easy and Delicious Recipe

Learn how to prepare a delicious chickpea salad with olive oil and tomatoes in just 20 minutes! Easy, healthy recipe that's perfect for any occasion. Continue reading

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Salmon Wrap with Refreshing Juice: The Perfect Recipe for Summer

Aprenda a fazer um wrap de salmão delicioso e um suco refrescante, perfeitos para os dias quentes de verão! Receita rápida, fácil e irresistível. Continue reading

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Fluffy Orange and Coconut Ice Cream Cake: Irresistible Recipe from Bahia

Surprise yourself with this fluffy and irresistible iced orange and coconut cake. Learn the recipe from Bahia and delight everyone with this delight! Continue reading

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How to Prepare Quick and Delicious Asparagus in Just 10 Minutes

Discover how to prepare quick and delicious asparagus in just 10 minutes with this easy and tasty recipe. Continue reading

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Creamy Chocolate Cake of the Gods: Easy and Delicious Recipe

Bolo de chocolate cremoso dos deuses! Surpreenda no Dia dos Pais com essa receita fácil e deliciosa. Ideal para 10 porções! Continue reading

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Quickly Cooked Peanuts: Save Gas and Time with This Practical Recipe!

Descubra como fazer amendoim cozido rápido e econômico. Receita prática para economizar gás e tempo! Continue reading