How to Choose a Coffee Maker: Practical and Essential Tips


How to choose the ideal coffee maker for your lifestyle and coffee preferences? This is what we will reveal in this article. In Brazil, coffee is more than just a drink, it is a ritual, a symbol of work and discipline, a cultural mark that brings friends and family together.

Making delicious coffee is an integral part of our daily lives, and the tools we use to extract the best flavor from the beans are crucial. There are coffee makers for all tastes and needs – from the simplest, which replace the traditional method of brewing coffee, to the most sophisticated, which produce the perfect espresso. Ready to find out how to choose the coffee makers that best suit your needs? Let’s go!

How to Choose a Coffee Maker and Evaluate the Available Options

Coffee makers come in many shapes and sizes, each with unique features. It’s crucial to understand your preferences and needs to make the right decision. Here are some important considerations:

  • Know your routine: Consider how much coffee you usually drink and how much time you can dedicate to making it. Your ideal coffee maker should fit perfectly into your lifestyle.
  • Be true to your tastes: Whether you're a fan of the strong flavor of espresso or prefer the smoothness of filtered coffee, your coffee maker should be able to brew your coffee just the way you like it.
  • Don't let the design fool you: while a stylish coffee maker can add value to your decoration, it must, above all, meet your daily needs.
  • Choose your coffee carefully: The taste of the drink depends on both the coffee maker and the quality of the coffee. Don't skimp on the beans or powder!

Filtered coffee versus espresso: a clash of flavors


When considering “how to choose a coffee maker”, a crucial aspect to consider is the difference between filtered coffee and espresso. In short, the main distinction lies in the preparation method and the intensity of the flavor.

Filtered coffee is obtained by slowly passing hot water through the grounds, resulting in a smoother drink. Espresso is prepared under high pressure, intensifying the flavor and aroma of the coffee, resulting in a stronger and more concentrated drink.

The world of coffee makers: navigating the options


In the vast market of coffee makers, each model has its own particularities and benefits. Here are some of the most popular types:

Electric filter coffee maker

This practical model allows you to prepare coffee effortlessly. Some versions come with a timer, which allows you to program the preparation time. Ideal for those who enjoy coffee with less caffeine.

Manual espresso machine

For coffee enthusiasts, this option allows for complete control over the process. Preparation involves grinding the beans and compacting the grounds before starting the extraction.


Italian coffee maker

This coffee maker is comparable to a pressure cooker. It requires attention to the type of grain grind and the water temperature to obtain a delicious coffee.

French press

This method brings out the oils in the coffee, resulting in a rich, flavorful drink. The grind should be coarser, and the result is a coffee with more caffeine.

Aeropress Coffee Maker

Invented in 2005, this coffee maker uses air pressure to extract coffee. It offers a similar flavor to espresso, but without the need for electricity.

Semi-automatic espresso machine

This coffee maker has a program for a specific amount of coffee. The user measures and compacts the grounds, and some models accept ready-made coffee discs.

Super-automatic espresso machine

With a fully integrated system, this coffee maker grinds coffee on the spot, providing exceptional flavor and aroma. However, the price can be high.

Capsule or sachet coffee maker

The capsule coffee maker is practical and versatile, as it can prepare different types of drinks. However, the powder used is not fresh, which can affect the quality of the coffee.

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