Top 7 Tips for Caring for the Cica Palm Tree and Transforming the Decor of your Home and Garden!


Hello, everyone! Today I'm going to share with you a little green secret: how to take care of the Cica palm tree and give it a boost. decoration of home and garden. Did you know? that the Cica Palm, with its lush leaves, can completely change the ambiance of your home and garden? So it is, this incredible plant, also known as Cycas revoluta, has a unique charm that enchants everyone. But be careful, taking care of it requires some special care to ensure its beauty and health. Let's go!

Essential Tips for Caring for the Cica Palm Tree

For enthusiasts who are just starting their journey into the world of landscaping, the Cica Palm appears as an ideal option due to its resistance and low maintenance demands.

Image: (shared from Pinterest)

It adapts easily to a variety of soils and climates, and if well cared for, it can live up to two decades! Here are some practical tips to help you grow it:

1 – Fertilization: Fertilizer? Yes, please!


Once every three months, I treat my Cycad Palm with a balanced fertilizer. This helps keep the leaves green and healthy.

2 – Irrigation: Water in the Right Measure

You know that golden rule of gardening? Avoid soaking the soil and opt for moderate watering. Not too much, not too little, just the right amount. In warmer regions, it is recommended to water 3 times a week and in colder regions, once is enough. It is no different with Cica. I usually water mine every 7-10 days, but I always check the soil moisture first. No soaking, okay?

3 – Brightness: Natural Light is Key


The Cycad Palm likes full sun or partial shade. Good ventilation helps keep pests away. It loves natural light, but be careful, direct sunlight can be too much for it. I usually place mine near a window where it only gets a little morning sun. It makes all the difference!

4 – Nutritious Soil

For the Cycad Palm to shine, the soil must be up to par. A substrate rich in organic matter and sand is ideal for the healthy growth of the Cycad Palm. I use a mixture of soil and organic compost. For growing in pots, opt for wide containers, since the species has a large volume of leaves. Oh, and good drainage is essential to prevent the roots from becoming waterlogged.

5 – Multiplication

Image: (shared from Pinterest)

The Cycad Palm propagates through shoots that grow around the mother plant. To produce seedlings, remove these shoots and plant them in good quality soil.


6 – Pruning? Just What's Necessary

Pruning is mainly used to clean up the plant by removing old, dry leaves. Yellow or dry leaves may appear. When this happens, I carefully remove them to keep the plant looking beautiful and healthy.

7 – Flowering

It has yellow flowers that bloom between September and March. The species also produces seeds, but these are highly toxic.

Regarding possible pests, the Cica Palm is resistant, but it can present problems with fungi and mealybugs, especially in places with little light. To combat these intruders, opt for natural solutions such as Neem oil.

Growing a Cycad Palm tree is not rocket science, right? With the presence of this beautiful plant, your garden will certainly gain extra charm!

In this vlog, experienced gardener Henrique Buttler shares his tricks on growing Cycad Palm. It offers advice on best practices for watering, lighting, ideal substrate and how to keep your plant healthy. In addition, it teaches you how to prune the plant and deal with common pests that may arise during cultivation.

Secrets to taking good care of the Cica Palm

Curiosity: Did you know that the Cica palm is one of the plants oldest in the world? It was already used in decoration in ancient times, just imagine!


Caring for a Cica palm tree is not just a matter of gardening, it is an act of love for nature and decoration. With these tips, you will not only have a healthy plant, but also a touch of green that can transform any space!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Cica palm toxic to pets?

Yes, it is important to know that it is toxic to pets. It is best to keep it away from your four-legged friends!

How long does it take for Cica to grow?

It grows slowly, but with patience and care, you will see it develop over the years.

Can the Cica palm live indoors?

Of course! It adapts well to indoor environments, as long as it receives enough natural light.

How can I tell if I'm overwatering my Cica?

Keep an eye on the leaves: if they start to turn yellow, it could be a sign of overwatering.

Can I plant Cica in pots?

Yes, and it looks beautiful in pots! Just remember to ensure good drainage.

What is the best time to replant Cica?

Spring is ideal, taking advantage of the beginning of the plant's growth cycle.

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