Eliminate Ants Naturally: Effective Homemade Solutions for a Pest-Free Home


End the ants It can be a challenge, but it is possible with the right methods. If you are facing an invasion of these little creatures at home, this article is for you. Here, you will find effective and natural solutions to get rid of ants once and for all.

Knowing the adversary: the ants

To get rid of ants, it is essential to understand their behavior and characteristics. They appear in search of food and water, so keeping your home clean is crucial. Avoid leaving food exposed, as ants are organized and work as a team. When you see a few, there are many more in the anthill. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to attack the source: the anthill.

Ants form organized colonies, where each individual has a specific function. The queen is responsible for reproduction, while the workers take care of feeding, building the nest and protecting the colony. This organized behavior makes ants formidable adversaries when they invade our homes.

Reasons to get rid of this pest


Ants are not only inconvenient, but they can also be harmful to your health. They roam around dirty places and carry bacteria that can affect us. In addition, many people are allergic to ants and may have adverse reactions to contact. The presence of ants can indicate hygiene problems in the home, and their elimination is essential to maintaining a healthy environment.

Another important point is that some species of ants can damage wooden structures and even electronic devices, causing financial losses. Therefore, eliminating them is not only a matter of health, but also of protecting your assets.

Homemade Tips to Get Rid of Ants

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Image: (shared from Pinterest)

Baking soda and sugar

A mixture of equal parts baking soda and sugar can be an effective way to get rid of ants. Spread the mixture around the areas where ants are most likely to be found. The ants will be attracted to the sugar and will end up ingesting the baking soda, which is fatal to them. This solution is safe to use around the home and can be used in a variety of areas, including kitchens and pantries.

Coffee grounds


Coffee grounds are an excellent natural repellent for ants. Spread used coffee grounds in places where these pests usually appear, such as corners, cracks and around plants. In addition to repelling ants, coffee grounds can also be used as fertilizer for plants, benefiting the garden in two ways.


Salt can also be used as a natural barrier against these pests. Sprinkle salt in areas where ants enter your home, such as around windows and doors, and along the trails they usually take. The salt dehydrates the ants, making it harder for them to survive. This solution is easy to apply and safe for use in household environments.

Corn starch

Cornstarch can be used to quickly and effectively eliminate these pests. Spread cornstarch in the path of the ants and also in the anthill, if possible. The ants will carry the cornstarch to the anthill, and if they ingest it, they will eventually die. This method is especially effective in areas where the ants have easy access to food.


Garlic is a great homemade and natural solution to keep these pests away from your home. The strong smell of garlic repels these little insects, causing them to avoid the area. To use garlic as a method of controlling ants, simply crush a few cloves and place them in places where ants usually appear, such as near windows, doors or in the corners of furniture. You can also make a mixture with water and crushed garlic and spray it on the affected areas.


Diatoms are a type of sedimentary rock composed of fossilized algae. This substance is a powerful natural insecticide that acts by damaging the exoskeleton of ants, causing them to dehydrate and die. Spread diatoms in the places where these pests usually pass through and watch the number of these insects decrease. Remember to use food-grade diatoms, which are safe for humans and pets.


Vinegar is another ally in the fight against ants. Its strong smell repels these insects. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray on areas where ants usually appear. In addition to keeping ants away, vinegar also cleans and disinfects surfaces.

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil has a strong odor that ants hate. Mix 10 drops of peppermint essential oil with a cup of water and spray it on the affected areas. This is a safe and natural solution that will leave a pleasant aroma in your home.

Garden maintenance

Keeping your garden clean and well-maintained is essential to preventing ant infestation. Remove dead leaves, twigs, and accumulated trash, as these materials can provide shelter for ant nests. Plant some ant-repellent herbs and flowers, such as mint, lavender, and nasturtium, to keep these insects away.

Avoid ants

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Image: (shared from Pinterest)

To keep these pests away from your home, it is important to follow some simple but effective tips:

  • Keep your home clean at all times: Get rid of food scraps, especially in the kitchen. Clean surfaces regularly and avoid leaving crumbs or food residue.
  • Close food containers tightly: Store food in airtight containers to prevent ants from accessing it.
  • Check for gaps and cracks: Make necessary repairs to prevent ants from entering. Sealing entry points can be an effective preventative measure.
  • Clean hidden areas: Areas such as behind sofas and cupboards should be cleaned regularly to prevent dirt from accumulating and attracting ants.
  • Monitor the garden: Keep an eye out for signs of ant colonies in your garden and take steps to eliminate them. Keeping your garden well-maintained can prevent new colonies from forming.

With these tips and home remedies, you will be successful in combating and preventing an ant infestation in your home. Remember that prevention is always the best strategy, so creating a cleaning and maintenance routine in your home can prevent ants from becoming a recurring problem.


Getting rid of ants can be challenging, but with the right strategies and an effective prevention routine, you can keep your home pest-free. Use the homemade and natural solutions mentioned above, keep your home clean and tidy, and be aware of signs of an infestation. With these tips, you’ll be prepared to deal with any ant infestation safely and efficiently.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get rid of ants naturally?

Use solutions such as baking soda and sugar, coffee grounds, salt, cornstarch, garlic, diatomaceous earth, vinegar, and peppermint oil. These solutions are effective and safe for eliminating ants without chemicals.

What are the best ant repellent plants?

Plants like mint, lavender, and nasturtium are great for keeping ants away. Plant these herbs in your garden or in pots near the entrances to your home.

How to prevent ants from entering the house?

Keep your home clean, especially your kitchen. Seal food containers tightly, eliminate cracks and crevices, and regularly clean hidden and underused areas.

What should I do if I find an anthill in the garden?

If you find an anthill in your garden, use natural solutions like cornstarch or diatomaceous earth to eliminate the colony. In more serious cases, consider hiring a pest control professional.

Is it safe to use chemicals to eliminate ants?

While effective, chemicals can be dangerous to children, pets, and the environment. Whenever possible, opt for safe, natural solutions.

Why are ants harmful to health?

Ants can carry harmful bacteria and microorganisms, contaminating food and surfaces. Additionally, some people are allergic to ant bites.

How can I identify the species of ant that is invading my home?

To identify the species of ant, observe its physical and behavioral characteristics. If you have difficulty, consult a pest control professional or search for information on the internet.

What are the signs of an ant problem in your home?

Signs include visible ant trails, anthills near the home, and the presence of ants in food areas. Observing these signs can help you identify and treat an infestation quickly.

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