Top 12 Ways to Use Feng Shui Style to Decorate Your Bedroom with Personality


Your bedroom is much more than a place to sleep, so having the right layout of it feng shui bedroom creates energy that greatly improves many areas of your life. Use some simple bedroom rules and tips to feng shui to improve sleep, strengthen your passion and romantic relationship, and create an oasis of calm in a space that is uniquely yours.

Using Feng Shui to Decorate Your Bedroom

Feng Shui para Decorar Seu Quarto
Feng Shui for Decorating Your Bedroom

1 – Feng Shui Bedroom Layout

Modern bedrooms have become multifunctional spaces where you can read, watch TV, have sex, sleep, exercise, work, or even eat. Unfortunately, designing your bedroom as a multipurpose space can be detrimental – it invites active energy (yang) that does not support the bedroom's primary purposes of sleeping, relaxing, and romance. 

So when considering your bedroom layout for feng shui, the first thing to do is to reduce the uses of the room so that it is designed only to support those activities. This means removing any items that do not fit into the main purposes of your bedroom. Examples of items and furniture that support these purposes include:

  • Beds, bedding and pillows
  • Headboard
  • Soft lighting and lamps
  • Bedside tables
  • Window treatments
  • Cabinets or cupboards
  • Additional seats
  • Art

The map below shows the ideal feng shui bedroom furniture arrangement, but you can also place them in other sectors to avoid bed placement that causes negative or disturbing energy.

2 – Ideal Feng Shui bed placement

The placement of the bed This is the most important design aspect of your bedroom. Chi enters and leaves a room through windows and doors, and when you sleep, you want to be away from this fast-moving energy. You can also minimize vulnerability with good feng shui bed placement. Your bedroom should provide protection and security so that you can rest without fear and without worrying about interruptions and noises. To achieve this, you need to position your bed in the ideal position.

  • Ideally, place your bed in the love and marriage sector if you can also meet all of the other conditions below.
  • Place your bed away from the front door. This will prevent chi from flowing quickly over you while you sleep. If this is not possible, use a privacy screen or curtain between your bed and the door to slow the energy entering your room.
  • Don't sleep with the door at your feet. This is called the coffin position and represents death, which is the energy you don't want to harbor. A privacy screen or curtain at the foot of the bed can remedy this if you don't have anywhere else to put the bed.
  • Place your bed against a solid wall. This will provide strong, sturdy support and prevent any feeling of movement behind you.
  • Avoid placing your bed diagonally in a corner. This allows too much energy to move across your head while you sleep.
  • Never place your bed on a wall shared with the bathroom.
  • Try placing your bed on the wall diagonally across from the doorway. This will allow you to see anyone who enters your room. However, work within your limitations. If the only available spot for your bed is on the same wall as the door, place it as far away from the door as possible.
  • Avoid placing a bed under a window or partially blocking a window with your bed or headboard. If you must have a bed under a window, have a tall headboard that is the same height as the window and leave enough space between the bed and the window so that you can walk between them. This allows space for chi to flow as it enters through the window.
  • A good feng shui bed direction is never to face the bathroom door. If necessary, always keep the door closed.
  • Do not place the bed under beams. If necessary, hang a bamboo flute from the beam to soften the energy.
  • For ideal feng shui, never place your mattress directly on the floor – always use a bed frame and headboard.

If the size or layout of your room, especially window placement, prevents you from following feng shui guidelines, you can apply feng shui cures and remedial remedies.

3 – How to make your Feng Shui table in the room

Your desk represents work and has a lot of active energy, which can keep you from sleeping and relaxing. Move your desk to a dedicated office space or another room where the more active energy won’t interfere with relaxation. If you must have a workspace in your bedroom, try to consider a good feng shui for tables. Also, choose furniture that can close everything, such as a desk or cabinet with a table that closes once you're done working.

4 – Feng Shui rules for TV in the bedroom

Televisions (and other electronic devices) do not belong in the bedroom; they create too much active energy, which can interfere with sleep and relaxation. Therefore, for optimal feng shui, keep the television out of the bedroom. However, if you must have a TV in the bedroom, put it in a closet and keep the door closed when you sleep, or cover the television before bed. If a laptop serves as your bedroom TV, close it and put it away in a drawer before bed.


5 – Where do you put the dresser?

The ideal location for a dresser in the bedroom is in the family and new beginnings area. If this is feasible, it is perfect placed against a wall. If your dresser has a mirror, consider removing or covering the mirror when you sleep to prevent the energy from spreading throughout the room. You can also place the dresser (with or without a mirror) in the closet and keep the door closed.

6 – Feng Shui Bedroom Rules to Consider

Along with the above, the following feng shui bedroom rules can help you create the ideal environment.

  • Get rid of the clutter; clear it out cabinets , dressers and nightstands, and under the bed. Remove clutter from all horizontal surfaces as well.
  • Dirt and dust create stagnant chi, which can result in illness, disharmony in your relationships, and loss of wealth, so keep all surfaces scrupulously clean and dusted.
  • Remove all work and exercise equipment from the bedroom as they attract active energy that is detrimental to sleep and relaxation.
  • Keep mirrors outside the bedroom or place them inside the closet with the door closed.
  • Plants Live plants bring a lot of active energy. This is great in other areas of your home, but keep them out of the bedroom.
  • Water does not belong in a feng shui bedroom. Keep water fountains and art depicting water out.
  • Avoid furniture placements that block natural pathways and doorways.
  • Avoid open shelves; books create a poison arrow effect. Remedy by adding glass or wood doors.
  • Place a full-length mirror on the bathroom side of the door. suite and keep the door closed. This will keep the energy from the bathroom into the bathroom and outside the bedroom.

7 – Avoid and repair poison arrows

Avoid or correct positions that create poisoned arrows Poison arrows are created whenever you place a cabinet or dresser so that the sharp end of the corner is angled directly toward the bed. Sometimes you can't avoid poison arrows in your bedroom layout, but you can use remedies.

  • If furniture creates poison arrows, fix this by suspending one multifaceted crystal ball from the ceiling, so that it is between the poison arrow and the bed.
  • Another solution is to use a dresser runner to hide and soften the corner edges.
  • Place nightstands on either side of the bed; just make sure the nightstand is not higher than the mattress, as this creates a poison arrow aiming at the bed.
  • Open shelves create poison arrows. Keep them out of the room or use shelves that close or have glass doors.

8 – How to Feng Shui a Small Bedroom

Space is at a premium in small bedrooms, which can make it difficult to follow many feng shui rules. The trick, then, is to downsize to fit the size of the room. Here are some feng shui layout tips for a small bedroom:

  • Smaller rooms can look cramped and cluttered if not maintained carefully. Clean ruthlessly disorder and make sure you have a space for everything.
  • Reduce the size of your furniture to fit the room by opting for a smaller bed and smaller, lighter nightstands and dressers. You could even try wall-mounted nightstands.
  • Try wall sconces, which are more space-conscious choices than table or floor lamps.
  • When organizing your bedroom, start with the placement of the bed, as this is the most important aspect of the bedroom.
  • Follow all other feng shui guidelines and rules for bedrooms.

9 – Additional Feng Shui Tips and Ideas for a Bedroom

The minimalist decor of the bedroom helps keep clutter at bay, but you'll still want to bring your own personal touch since it's your sanctuary.

  • Make your bed every day.
  • Keep the room clean and free of dust, debris and clutter.
  • Repair anything if it breaks, including chipped paint, burned out light bulbs, etc.
  • Have a place for everything and keep everything in its place.

10 – Feng Shui Bedroom Decor and Decorations

Try the following personal touches:

  • Bring items that represent the earth element in your room, but don't overdo it; too much of anything quickly becomes clutter.
  • Use soft, indirect lighting to create a relaxing oasis.
  • Choice colors calm and restful colors for your bedroom, such as soft yellow or relaxing blue.
  • To the select wall art, choose cheerful and calm themes. Nature images and themes in pairs, such as two mandarin ducks, swans or peach blossoms, promote romance and a relaxing atmosphere.
  • Place a red chair or lamp in the wealth and prosperity sector to promote wealth luck.
  • A dresser or small bookshelf in the family and new beginnings area amplifies family love and well-being, especially when topped with a small dish of tumbled rose quartz crystals or a deep green jade bowl—and clutter-free.

11 – Good Feng Shui Bedroom Layout for Love

Feng shui is full of ways to activate your love and relationship luck in the bedroom. Love luck is symbolized by the use of pairs of items and objects along with various placements. With careful attention to the design of your bedroom, you can strengthen harmony and love in your life.

  • Place the bed in the love and marriage sector of the bedroom.
  • Decorate with pairs of objects to represent love and relationships.
  • Bring rose quartz into your bedroom to promote love and romance. Place it in the wealth and prosperity sector or the love and romance sector.
  • Red can ignite passion, but use it judiciously—too much can keep you awake, overstimulating your energy. Add small touches of red, such as a pillow, a chair, or a lampshade.
  • Add some other items that represent love, such as peony paintings or a pair of mandarin ducks.
  • Place things in pairs in the bedroom: two matching pillows or bedside tables, for example.

12 – Cultivate a calm and restful space

Your bedroom is your YOU space. It’s your sanctuary where you go to rest and renew yourself. Using feng shui allows you to cultivate peaceful, serene energy so you can recharge after the busiest days.

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