What They Didn't Tell You: Top 5 Incredible Benefits of Clay Filters for Your Health and Well-Being


THE clay filter It's that classic item that we find in many Brazilian kitchens. In addition to being cheap, it can compete with modern water filtration technologies. But you know what's funny? Even today, with all these advances, the old clay filter still holds its own when it comes to water purification.

I want to show you how the technology behind this filter, which seems super archaic, is actually a giant in removing impurities and chemicals. However, I'll warn you right away that for it to work at its best, you need to pay attention to some specific care, from cleaning to regular maintenance. Let's go?

Why Clay Filters Are Still a Good Option

O que não te contaram Top 5 Benefícios Incríveis do Filtro de Barro para a Sua Saúde e Bem-Estar
What They Didn't Tell You Top 5 Incredible Benefits of Clay Filters for Your Health and Well-Being

Look, I know that today we have several sophisticated options for filtering water, such as dispensers and electric filters. But did you know that the clay filter continues to be a popular choice precisely because of its effectiveness? This traditional method is not simply a cultural habit; it has its technological advantages.


The double layer of ceramics, for example, is great for removing impurities. Even those tiny particles that we can't even see. Plus, it doesn't need electricity, which is an added bonus in terms of sustainability and cost savings.

Chemical Removal Efficiency

The main function of the clay filter is to ensure cleaner water, free from various impurities, including chemicals. The filtration process that takes place inside these ceramic candles is truly impressive.


Through slow filtration, the filter can remove even those chemical components that can go unnoticed in other types of filtration. So, in addition to being economical, it is quite effective in this regard.

How to Keep Your Clay Filter Clean and Efficient

Having a clay filter is great, but you need to know how to keep it clean to ensure that it is efficient when filtering water. I'm going to tell you some little secrets that will make all the difference.

Proper Cleaning: What Not to Do

One of the biggest questions people have is about the correct way to clean a clay filter. And here's the golden tip: avoid using products like bleach, disinfectants, detergents and even steel wool at all costs! These items can contaminate the water and even damage the filter's structure.


Ideally, you should only use a damp cloth and running water to clean the inside. As for the outside, you have a little more freedom and can use a soft sponge and a mild degreaser. Remember to dry with a damp cloth to remove any excess dirt.

Filter Candle Care

The real star of the clay filter is the candle. It is where the magic happens to purify the water. Therefore, maintaining this part is crucial. It is recommended that you clean the candles at least every eight days.

To clean the candles, simply remove them carefully and use only running water and your hands, without any cleaning products. Let them dry naturally, without contact with fabrics that could leave lint. By following these recommendations, your filter will always be in excellent condition.

Advantages of Clay Filter

Another reason to consider a clay filter is its durability. Unlike many modern systems that require constant replacement of filters and parts, a clay filter has a very long lifespan.

Simple maintenance and continuous efficiency make the clay filter a smart and economical choice for those who don't want to give up pure and healthy water.

Sustainable Aspect

In addition to all these benefits, the clay filter has a much smaller environmental impact. It does not use electrical energy and, when discarded, does not generate electronic waste like other types of filters.

This contributes greatly to a more sustainable and conscious life, without harming the environment. A super positive point, right?


So, if you want an effective, economical and sustainable solution to treat your home’s water, a clay filter is an excellent choice. It may be simple, but it is extremely efficient when properly cared for. Just follow the regular maintenance tips and your water will always be pure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the clay filter remove bacteria?

Yes, the ceramic layer of the clay filter is efficient in removing various bacteria and impurities from the water.

How often should I replace the filter plug?

The clay filter candle should be replaced every six months or as recommended by the manufacturer.

Can I use filtered water from the clay filter for cooking?

Yes, water filtered through a clay filter is safe for cooking and drinking, as it has already been purified.

Does the clay filter change the taste of the water?

Many people find that water from a clay filter has a purer and more pleasant taste compared to other filtration methods.

What is the average capacity of a clay filter?

Capacity varies, but most clay filters can store between 4 and 10 liters of water.

Does the clay filter remove chlorine from the water?

Yes, the clay filter is effective in removing chlorine, improving the taste and quality of the water.

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