Organization and Cleaning: 4 Tips for a Perfect Wardrobe!


THE wardrobe cleaning It’s not just a household chore, it’s an opportunity for revitalization. Over time, we accumulate so many items that it becomes easy to lose sight of what we truly value and use. An organized closet not only makes it easier to choose what to wear each day, but it also brings a sense of order and tranquility to your daily routine.

In addition to the practical aspect, taking care of your wardrobe is also a way of taking care of yourself. A well-organized space reflects a clear and focused state of mind. And we're not just talking about organization. Regular cleaning, using effective methods, ensures that your clothes are preserved for longer, keeping them in perfect condition and ready for any occasion. So, delve into these tips and transform your wardrobe into a space of harmony and efficiency!

How often should you clean your closet?

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Image: (taken from Google)

Meet the expert


Jimmy Seifert is a closet buyer based in Dallas, Texas, at The Container Store. He’s been with the company for 7 years. Whether it’s every spring, every New Year, or before your birthday, annual closet cleanouts are a great way to keep your closet organized. Seifert tells us, “Use the one-year rule for cleaning out—if you haven’t worn it in the last year, it’s probably safe to donate or sell it.”

Cleaning out your closet once a year will keep your clothes, shoes, and accessories from getting out of hand. However, you’re not beholden to annual purging sessions. Bi-annually, weekly, or as needed will keep your closet clutter-free. Signs that you may need to get rid of items include:

  • You have doubles (or triples) of the same item.
  • You try on items that don't fit.
  • You often remove items that are stained, torn, broken, or discolored.
  • Your closet doors won't close.
  • You have stacks or additional storage to accommodate your overflowing wardrobe. 

How to Clean Your Closet correctly

Step 1: Shop for your closet


Take everything out of your closet and, one by one, evaluate each item’s condition, fit, style, and wearability. Seifert says, “Stick to the basics, like neutral T-shirts and tanks.” Consider tossing out ripped, stained, and discolored clothing items. Any broken or missing pairs of accessories and shoes can also go in the toss pile. 

“If you’re really struggling to let go of things, give yourself permission to keep some sentimental items,” she adds. However, consider storing these things in a labeled file box or airtight bag in another area, rather than having them take up a valuable closet. 

Step 2: Have a Plan

Responsibly recycling your new and gently used items isn’t just good for the planet, and helping those in need, knowing that they’re meant for more than collecting dust will help motivate you to get rid of them. “Clothes in good condition that no longer fit or match your style can easily be donated to a local charity or sold on consignment,” Seifert explains. 


He also says that a great tip for staying motivated to donate is to keep a donation box in your closet. “That way, everything stays in one place and can be donated when the bin is full,” he says. We’re also big fans of consignment. Reselling unused items is a great way to keep your wardrobe fresh without breaking the bank. Look for consignment shops in your area and sell your unused items for a profit.

Step 3: Make it seasonal

If your summer dresses tend to get lost behind your winter coats and your scarves get tangled with your bikinis, it’s time to rearrange the seasons. “Don’t waste precious hanging space on clothes you won’t wear for several months,” says Seifert. “Instead, store out-of-season items, like swimsuits or winter sweaters, elsewhere for now. Swap them out when it’s time to bring them back to life.”

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Image: (taken from Google)

Step 4: Be strategic with storage

Finding storage solutions tailored to your specific needs is crucial to keeping your closet clean and organized. Do you need more space for shoes than coats? Consider this when organizing your closet space and invest in shoe organizers. Seifert also adds, “Don’t forget to add hooks, drawer organizers, and trays stackable for storing accessories and jewelry.”

He also recommends installing a custom closet, like the Elfa system, if it’s in the budget. “It’s a great place to start maximizing your space,” he says, “because Elfa shelves, drawers, and closet rods can be easily repositioned at any time, making it easy to swap out zones in your closet as your needs change.” If you’re looking for a quick and affordable way to save space, swap out your mismatched plastic hangers for space-saving, thin velvet hangers.

Tips to keep your wardrobe clean for longer

Once everything is organized in its designated spot, it’ll be easier to stay clean in the long run. Seifert recommends keeping everyday items within reach and out-of-season or special-occasion pieces in the back so you’re not rummaging around for work clothes.

He also adds, “The best way to keep your closet efficient and organized is to get rid of an old item of clothing every time you buy a new one.” Finally, labeling a shelf or bin will keep you accountable and help you put things away in the proper place.

How to clean the inside of the wardrobe?

Clean inside the wardrobes there is no secret. However, there are some products that are not so recommended. The channel HumDiarista This video explains simple ways to do this task in a short time. Check it out:

How to clean moldy wardrobes?

In this video the expert Cris Ribeiro explains how to clean your wardrobe with homemade products. “You know that I use vinegar a lot to clean, and this wardrobe will be no different. Let’s use this beauty and give this wardrobe a really good makeover”! Check it out:

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