Can't stand the bad smell in the bathroom anymore? Find out now how to get rid of it once and for all


If you've made it this far, you've probably realized that dealing with bad smell in bathroom It’s not an easy task. Even if you clean it regularly, that unpleasant odor can come back at any time. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you put an end to this problem once and for all.

In the following content, we will present some of the main causes of bathroom odors, how to avoid them and practical solutions to eliminate the bad odor. You will also find tips to keep your bathroom clean and fresh, without having to spend a lot of time or money. So, if you are tired of living with the unpleasant smell in the bathroom, keep reading to find out how to put an end to this problem in a simple and effective way.

Smell in the bathroom: where does it come from?

Bathroom odors are a very annoying problem, especially when it comes to sewage odors. This can happen due to improper installation, problems with the toilet's seal or wear on the siphons.

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Image: (taken from Google)

Incorrect installation


Bad smells coming from the sewer in the bathroom are an unpleasant problem that can be caused by several factors, one of which is incorrect plumbing installation. When the pipes are not installed properly, the bad smell of the sewer can return to the environment even if the cleaning is done regularly.

How can I identify whether the installation was done correctly?

To find out if the problem is due to poor installation, one way is to check if there is any water accumulated inside the drain. If there is water, this means that the installation is correct, since this accumulation of water prevents the bad smell from passing into your bathroom. On the other hand, if the drain is dry, the pipe is probably poorly positioned and all the water is eliminated, allowing the bad smell to pass through.

Solutions for incorrect installation


There are two solutions to solve this problem. The first is to replace the entire plumbing. The second, simpler and more economical, is to install a foam-free drain. With this type of drain, a puddle of water is intentionally created, blocking the flow of the very unpleasant odor. It is important to note that if you do not feel comfortable installing the foam-free drain, it is recommended that you hire a qualified professional to perform the service.

Siphon wear or dryness

Siphons that are worn or dry can cause small cracks that release a very unpleasant odor into the bathroom. The accordion-style design of the piece works by generating small accumulations of water, preventing the flow of the bad odor. Check if the siphon is stretched, because in this case the water does not accumulate and the bad odor flows. If this happens, return the siphon to its original accordion-style design or, if necessary, replace the entire piece.

Problem with the seal on your toilet

The sealing of the toilet bowl can also be a major problem when it comes to the bad smell of sewage in your bathroom. However, it is important that the toilet bowl is properly sealed and fixed to the floor to prevent the release of the bad smell of sewage.


However, even if the installation is done correctly, the seal and the O-ring can dry out and wear out over time, contributing to the appearance of odors in the bathroom. Therefore, always check the condition of the seal on your toilet bowl and, if you notice any problems with the O-ring or seal, replace it immediately. 

Remember that, in addition to these tips, it is important to clean your bathroom regularly, ensuring that it is always clean and free of unwanted odors. To avoid bad sewage smells in your bathroom, keep your toilet's siphons and seal in good condition and clean them regularly. 

Improve bathroom ventilation

A poorly ventilated bathroom is a real invitation for bad odors to appear in the room, making it an unpleasant place. The humidity generated by showering can generate mold and mildew, as well as bad odors that linger in the room. To avoid this situation, it is important to get into the habit of opening the windows after showering and leaving the door open until the steam is eliminated from the bathroom. In addition, it is important to have a good ventilation system, such as an exhaust fan, to help keep the room dry and smelling good.

Avoid blockages in the plumbing

Clogged drains are a common source of bad odors in the bathroom. It is important to prevent the buildup of debris in the pipes, especially in the shower drain. Hair, dead skin cells, and body fat are some of the main causes of blockages. To avoid this situation, it is recommended to use a filter in the shower drain to prevent these debris from accumulating in the pipes. It is also important to clean the drain regularly and avoid flushing toilet paper, hair, and other objects down the toilet.

The importance of cleaning and maintenance

Nothing is more unpleasant than entering a bathroom with a bad smell, right? The lack of cleaning and maintenance is one of the main causes of unpleasant odors in the bathroom. Therefore, the number one tip is to keep the bathroom clean and perform periodic maintenance to avoid the accumulation of dirt and residue.

In addition to cleaning the bathroom fixtures and floor, it is important to regularly clean the drains and pipes to prevent the build-up of dirt that can cause bad odors. Don't forget to do a thorough cleaning from time to time, including cleaning the tiles and sanitary ware. This will ensure that the bathroom is clean and smells good for the whole family to use.

How to eliminate the smell of sewage from the bathroom in a simple way?

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Image: (taken from Google)

Ventilate the bathroom to eliminate bad odors

There’s nothing worse than walking into a bathroom and smelling an unpleasant sewage odor. The good news is that there are a few ways to eliminate this problem. Start by opening the windows and doors in your bathroom to let the air circulate. Humidity is a big contributor to bad smells, so it’s important to keep the room dry and ventilated. If you don’t have enough windows or no windows at all, consider installing a mechanical ventilation system, such as a fan or exhaust fan. A dehumidifier can also help eliminate moisture and purify the air.

A fan is a popular and affordable option, while an exhaust fan is a bit more expensive but can be more efficient. To install an exhaust fan, you may need to make a small reform in the bathroom. Regardless of the choice, the important thing is to keep the bathroom ventilated and dry to avoid bad odors and create a hygienic and pleasant environment for the whole family.

Cleaning drains and siphon boxes

To keep your bathroom odor-free, it is important not only to ventilate the room, but also to clean the drains and the siphon tank regularly. This tank is responsible for receiving all the sewage before sending it to the sewage treatment system, so it is normal for it to accumulate unpleasant odors over time. Dirty drains also contribute to the spread of bad odors. To avoid this problem, simply clean them regularly, even before you notice unpleasant odors in your bathroom. 

Prevent blockages and odors in the bathroom

In addition to cleaning the drains and the siphon tank, it is important to prevent blockages that can cause unpleasant odors in the bathroom. To do this, it is necessary to get into the habit of collecting hair and soap remnants that may fall into the drain. It is also important to avoid throwing paper into the toilet, as this can obstruct the installation and cause blockages. These simple actions can prevent many problems in the bathroom and ensure a more pleasant environment free from sewage odors.

How to get rid of sewage smell in bathroom drain

If there's one thing that can ruin the tranquility of a shower, it's an unpleasant sewage smell coming from the bathroom drain. In addition to being annoying, this odor can be a sign of a bigger problem in the piping.

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Image: (taken from Google)

Anti-foam drain

If you are looking for a solution to the bad smell of sewage in your bathroom drain, the anti-foam drain may be the answer. 

This type of drain prevents water from being sucked into the pipes, keeping the drain dry and preventing bad odors from appearing. 

Replacing the standard drain with an anti-foam model ends up being a simple and effective solution to the problem. 

Keep the drain closed and the toilet lid down

In addition to the anti-foam drain, there are other measures you can take to prevent bad smells in the bathroom. One of them is to always keep the drain closed, using drain models with the option of opening and closing.

Additionally, it is important to get into the habit of leaving the toilet lid down, as this helps prevent odors from spreading throughout the room. When taking a shower, simply open and close the drain in sequence to prevent water from flowing down the open drain and causing bad odors.

Cleaning with baking soda and vinegar

No one wants to go into the bathroom and smell an unpleasant sewage smell, right? A simple and effective solution is to use baking soda and vinegar to clean the drain. Just pour the baking soda and let it act for 20 minutes, then add vinegar to create a chemical reaction that will eliminate the odor.

Finish by cleaning the drain with warm water and a bristle brush to remove hair and other dirt. Repeat the process every 15 days to keep the bathroom odor-free. Follow these tips and say goodbye to the smell of sewage in the bathroom quickly and easily.

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