Transform Your Space with a Crochet Runner: 09 Essential Tips to Create Yours Now!


The crochet runner is a versatile and elegant piece that can be used on various occasions and decorations, whether at home or at a special event. In Brazil, crochet is widely used by people who want to work creating crafts, this is one of the most used methods, since with a little skill, working with crochet can be practical and easy.

In the world of crochet, creativity counts a lot, since with this art, you can create items such as: rugs, towels, bedspreads and various items even for decoration. Nowadays, crochet crafts are all you need to make your home decor perfect, especially bathroom, since you can create a crochet game that will certainly make everything elegant. So, check out the following nine tips on how to make a crochet runner, discover how simple it is to work with this craft.

How to make a crochet runner?

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Image: (taken from Google)

Crochet for beginners may seem difficult, but know that with a little work you will soon master the most sought-after art in our country. So, if you are looking to enter the world of crochet, follow our tips below.

1 – Be sure to choose the right thread


If you want to create a crochet runner correctly, know that the first step is to choose the right yarn. Since it will totally affect the color, texture and robustness. Currently, several types and models of yarn are available for purchase, such as: acrylic, wool and cotton yarn. Knowing which yarn best suits your crochet runner is therefore the main step, since each example of yarn has different characteristics, for example: thickness, texture and moisture absorption.

2 – Use the right needle

Once you have figured out which yarn you will use for your crochet runner, you should also consider which hook you will need, as it should be chosen according to the type of yarn you have chosen. Our tip here is that you try out different types and sizes of hooks to determine which is the best type, or which one best adapts to the type of yarn you have chosen. Once you have chosen the type of yarn and the right hook, you can start creating your crochet runner.

3 – Choose the size of the crochet runner


Anyone who has ever crocheted runners already knows the best length for them. The most popular standard size is 60cm to 70cm, but this is not a rule. You can create your own in whatever size you think is necessary for decoration. The tip here is to measure patiently and accurately so that your runner is the size you want and fits perfectly as you want, whether for decoration or other purposes.

4 – Make a sample

To help you check the stitch and consistency, before starting your runner, it is essential that you create a sample with the chosen yarn and hook. Use this tip to avoid mistakes and having to undo your crochet runner while you are working. 

5 – Choose the type of stitch

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Image: (taken from Google)

Nowadays, anyone who already works with crochet knows that there are a variety of types of crochet stitches. For example: vagonite stitch, rice stitch, single crochet and double crochet. Take into account the texture and look you want to choose the right type of stitch for your runner.


6 – Create your own creation or choose a pattern

You can find different types of patterns on the internet, with them you can follow the existing pattern or use your creativity to create your own. Our tip here is that if you choose to make your own design, write down the entire process, to avoid getting lost while creating the crochet runner.

7 – Make a base for your treadmill

You may be wondering, but how can you make a crochet runner house? Creating your base is very simple, work using chains until you reach the desired size. Keep the stitches consistent, ensuring that your runner is uniform throughout the base.

8 – Add the chosen points

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Image: (taken from Google)

Now that you have the base of the runner ready, it's time to add the stitches you chose along the base. So, keep it consistent throughout the project, whether you follow a pattern chosen online or even your own original design.

9 – Finish with perfection

To make your crochet runner perfect, use chains all over the runner to create an elegant finish and also to protect the ends. The tip here is to choose a rope that matches the decor of the place where your crochet runner will be placed. After choosing the decorative edge according to your taste, check your runner completely, make sure there are no twists and only then finish your project perfectly.

Crochet is often used as a home craft to earn extra income at the end of the month. Now that you know how to make a crochet runner, use the idea to make and sell it. Another tip here is to start your projects and only then discover that there is no difficulty. Did you see how easy it is to create a runner? If you liked our tips, leave a comment below on our post and tell us about your experience in starting your crochet projects.

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