Top 12 Unusual Ideas for Choosing a Name Ideas for your Farm!


Ah, the farm! This refuge from routine, a little piece of paradise where we can breathe fresh air and connect with nature. But first of all, what are we going to call it? Today, I'm going to share with you 12 unusual and creative ideas for naming this special little corner. Come with me!

How to Choose the Name Ideas for your Farm?

Farm names not only identify the place, but also represent the spirit of its owners. This name will be the brand of your leisure space or, perhaps, commercial space. The choice of this name can be registered at a notary's office to ensure exclusivity. Furthermore, if you want to pay homage to family history, you can include the surname in the name of the farm.

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Image: (shared from Pinterest)

What is the process for making the name of the farm official?

If you want to make your farm's name official, follow these steps:

  • Go to the registry office located in the city where your farm is located;
  • Take the property documents;
  • Don't forget your personal documents, such as ID, CPF, marriage certificate, among others.

12 Creative Suggestions for Farm Names

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Image: (shared from Pinterest)

A farm name can be a combination of words that reflect the essence of the place. We can use alternatives such as:

  • Corner;
  • corner;
  • Quiet;
  • Condominium;
  • House;
  • Yard;
  • Ranch;

After all, why just stick with “Chácara Fernandes”, when we can have “Rancho Fernandes”, for example?

1 – Including Surnames


Using your family name in the name of your farm can be a way to honor your family history. For example:

  • Campos Family Farm;
  • Cunhas Corner;
  • Montoro Perez Farm.

2 – Taking Advantage of Location

If the farm is located in a mountainous region, for example, you can use “Refúgio Serrano” or “Cantinho Verde” to highlight the nature of the place.

3 – Expressing feelings

Farm names can express the state of mind and energy that the place transmits. Examples: “Haven of Peace”, “Oasis of Joy”, “Paradise of Happiness”.


4 – Music, Sports and Tributes

It could be an unforgettable song lyric, a tribute to a loved one or even your favorite football team. These are other creative options for naming your farm.

5 – Funny Farm Names

Here the idea is to make an impact and generate memory. Some examples: “Party Corner”, “Chácara Riso Solto”, “Espaço Bem Bolado”.

6 – Using Bird Names

Names of birds typical of the region or of Brazil can be an interesting choice. Examples: “Chácara Pica-Pau”, “Sítio dos Tucanos”, “Recanto das Araras”.

7 – Famous Names

Well-known names can also be an option to make your farm unforgettable. Examples: “Espaço do Pica-Pau Amarelo” (Yellow Woodpecker Space), “Cantinho do Descanso” (Rest Corner).

8 – Religious Names

If you are religious, using biblical elements, psalms or names of famous people can be good choices. Examples: “Chácara Shalom”, “Refúgio El Shadday”. Choosing the name of your farm is a unique and personal moment, and there is no right or wrong. The important thing is that the name reflects what the place means to you.

9 – Choosing a name: The local flavor

Something that cannot be overlooked is the local flavor of the place. If your farm is in a region known for a specific fruit, for example, why not consider this factor when choosing the name? “Recanto do Jabuticaba” or “Cantinho do Pequi” could be interesting options.

10 – Farms and the influence of the seasons

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Image: (shared from Pinterest)

The seasons can also be a great source of inspiration for farm names. If your farm has a beautiful view of the seasonal changes, “Four Seasons Villa” could be a catchy name. Or perhaps if your farm is especially beautiful in the spring, with flowers in full bloom, how about “Enchanted Spring” as a choice?

11 – Names with a Touch of Nostalgia

Nostalgia is also a valid resource for creating a memorable name. If you spent your childhood on a farm or if it reminds you of unforgettable moments, why not use this to your advantage? An example would be “Chácara Memories Happy” or “Childhood Dream Retreat”. These options have a personal touch that makes the place even more special.

12 – Highlighting the Landscape

If your farm has an unforgettable view, it might be time to use it as inspiration. A farm with an ocean view could be called “Maravilha do Mar” (Marble of the Sea), while a farm in the mountains could be called “Refugio das Montanhas” (Mountain Haven). In this way, the name of the farm will help shape the first impression of those who visit it.

What is the Perfect Name for Your Farm?

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Image: (shared from Pinterest)

Choosing a name for your country house can be as fun as it is challenging. With a little creativity, a touch of personality, and some helpful suggestions, you can come up with a unique and memorable name for your special retreat.

Remember: At the end of the day, your farm name should be something that brings a smile to your face and warms your heart. So don’t worry too much about rules or advice, and choose something you love.

Curiosity: Did you know that some farms in Brazil have names that are true local legends? Some of these names have been passed down from generation to generation, carrying family stories and traditions. Just imagine how many stories your chosen name could tell in the future!


Choosing a name for your farm is a fun and creative process. It should reflect your personality, passions, and the essence of your place. Whatever you choose, the important thing is that the name brings you joy and pride every time you say it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change the name of my farm in the future?

Yes, you can always rename your farm as your preferences and life moments change.

Is it important for the name of the farm to reflect your personality?

Yes, it is interesting that the name has a personal meaning, making the place even more special.

How to involve the family in choosing the name?

One idea is to have a poll of options or a family brainstorming session.

Can I use foreign or invented names?

Of course! The important thing is that the name has a positive meaning for you.

Are there any legal restrictions on farm names?

Generally not, but it's a good idea to check your local regulations to be sure.

How can I make my farm name unique?

Use your creativity, personal experiences and don't be afraid to be unusual.

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