Transform Your Walls and Floors Without Breaking the Bank: Practical Tips for Easy Renovation


Have you ever looked at that wall or floor and wondered how to give it a new look without all the mess and mess of a complete renovation? Then you're in the right place! Today I'm going to share with you a practical and efficient guide to transforming these spaces quickly and without any hassle. Let's go!

The first thing we need to do is prepare the surface. Start by removing all impurities, such as dust, grease stains, mold and any loose parts that could affect the adhesion of the product. This is essential to ensure a perfect finish.

Transforming Walls with Diamond Burnt Cement

Transforme Suas Paredes e Pisos Sem Quebradeira Dicas Práticas para Renovação Fácil (1)
Credits: Faby Franco – Construction, Renovations and DIY

Wall Preparation

  • Remove all impurities.
  • Choose the desired design and delimit the area with tape crepe. For our project, we opted for triangular shapes and half walls.

Application of Burnt Cement

  • Use the Diamante Shine product, which has a diamond effect with shine.
  • Each pot comes with its own spatula, making application easier.
  • The chosen color was Laí Tenório and Iva.

First coat

  • Apply the first coat and wait about three hours for it to dry.
  • During application, take advantage of the malleability of the spatula for quick and efficient work.

Second Coat and Finishing

  • Apply the second coat for a perfect finish.
  • Take advantage of the product's low odor for more comfortable work.
  • The result is an elegant wall with a special shine, perfect for those who want to add a sophisticated touch without complications.

Renovating Floors with Zero Construction

Deep Cleaning

  • Use a concentrated product such as stone cleaner.
  • Dilute the product as indicated and apply to the surface.
  • After five minutes, remove the excess with a squeegee and do a general cleaning.

Zero Work Application

  • Use the two-component product Zero Obra.
  • Mix components A and B as directed on the package.
  • The chosen color was silver gray, with a high gloss finish.

Painting Technique

  • Start with corners and hard-to-reach places.
  • Use a wool roller to apply the product in zigzag motions, filling the joints.

Second Layer

  • After 24 hours, apply the second coat for a perfect finish.
  • Apply in a crosswise direction (vertical and horizontal) for better coverage.
  • The result is a renewed, shiny and resistant floor, ideal for those looking for practicality and efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does Diamante Shine burnt cement have a strong smell?


No, the product has practically no smell, which makes application much more comfortable.

2. Can I apply burnt cement to any wall?

Yes, as long as the surface is clean and prepared correctly.

3. Is Zero Obra resistant to scratches and chemicals?


Yes, it is highly scratch resistant and can be easily cleaned with chemicals.

4. How long does it take to complete a floor renovation with Zero Work?

You can complete the renovation in approximately two days, including drying time between coats.

5. Can I apply Zero Obra in external areas?

Yes, it is resistant to weather conditions and can be applied both indoors and outdoors.


6. Where can I find these products?

The products are available on the website, where you can find a variety of colors and options.

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